"When we get into social amnesia - into forgetting our history - we also forget or misinterpret the history and motives of others as well as our motives. The way to learn of our own creation, how we came to be what we are, is getting to know ourselves. It is through getting to know the self intimately that we get to know the forces that shaped us as a self. Therefore knowing the self becomes a knowledge of the world. A deep study of Black History is the most profound way to learn about the psychology of Europeans and to understand the psychology that flows from their history. If we don’t know ourselves, not only are we a puzzle to ourselves; other people are also a puzzle to us as well. We assume the wrong identity and identify ourselves with our enemies. If we don’t know who we are then we are whomever somebody tells us we are." —The immortal OG Dr. Amos N. Wilson (The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness," Afrikan World InfoSystems, New York (1993) p. 38)

Boondocks, "The Hunger Strike" [Banned from TV]

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's the Dawning of the Age


The imperialist build up of the police state will usher in the need for raw, overt forms of public control & social management to handle an increasingly volatile, informed populace as the "Age of Aquarius" or "Age of Enlightenment" dawns. Those who are said to be wise teach, that this is the age where the masses of humankind will be awakened to divine truth, and universal understanding.* This is the information age during which womb-men and men will be most inclined to open their third eye mechanisms through exposure to information of all kinds. Accessibility and exposure to information about spirituality, science, law, society, politics, economics, etc… will become relentlessly transparent. The masses will have access to what our ancient ancestors termed deep knowledge as encoded in the 'MTU NTR' and the idealization of which is symbolized by Her-Em- Akhet.

This is the essential dilemma faced by the imperialist, elitists, who seek greedy dominion of the world’s people and resources. The imperialists fear that the masses of people will become awakened to the truth and begin to challenge the lies and eventually overturn the tightly regulated system that keeps us as slaves. Hence, the masses of people must be overtly, managed and controlled before this epoch has the effect of dismantling their power structure. This is the big push behind increased surveillance measures, national id cards, the expansion of prisons, net neutrality, RFID technology, the chip, etc.. all of which essentially amounts to the rise of the fascist police state to maintain the status quo.

The “Brave New World” social management scenario under which we currently live will not necessarily completely change but will in fact incorporate many aspects of the “1984” type scenario as the police state is implemented. Social engineers have traditionally relied on disinformation/spin campaigns, entertainment mediums, social/medical drug use, faith in ‘politics’ (electoral voting system), division-ism (class structures, racism, etc…), to pacify/distract the people into contentment, acceptance, submission and ignorance of their slave status. Hip hop itself has become a trance medium (that blocks out higher thought frequencies) for promoting hyper sexism, hyper materialism, black on black violence, etc… to exacerbate and maladjust the development of Afrikan people. These forms of pacification will increasingly become ineffective as the frequencies of this new age begin to resonate stronger and stronger causing people to become more intelligent. In fact, It is likely that the massive build up of prisons that occurred courtesy of Bill Clinton’s administration (jokingly referred to as the first black president by the naive) was done in anticipation of this phenomena**. Social engineers will seek to co-opt and arrest the universal forces that will naturally incline the hip hop community and the global populace towards a higher socio-political consciousness by relying on gross, authoritarian methods.

The imperialists are hoping that this period of pacification will buy them the time to usher in these police state measures before their power is compromised and or threatened by our growing intelligence. As of recent, African people have been given significant purchase power after 400 years of slavery and Jim-Crowism (largely through the mechanism of debt) as a means of distraction. The imperialists intend to use this period of distraction to further develop and improve overt mind control technology to guarantee and economize their continued exploitation. We have in a sense, been thrown a bone by the burglar in preparation for him to rob the house of all it’s valuables.

The goal of this age was to keep us from knowing. The goal for the new age will be to prevent us from being able to doing anything, in-spite of knowing. In other words, many of us will be awakened to the truth, but the control measures that are being developed have the potential to prevent us from taking action.

In the foreseeable, near future, the police state will be the moderating force that prevents men from taking action in spite of knowing. The police will appear more like the army as it is known today while the army will be greatly downsized and converted into an elite group of highly specialized forces. Police will continue to have access to modern weapons and full sanction to kill in the name of protecting the elitist white power structure.

In the meantime, read, read, read, educate others and learn from others. Stay tuned!!!

*It is no coincidence that the internet (information sharing) has materialized upon the dawning of this new era.

** The imperialists have obviously adopted a take no chance approach in engineering social policy, as they were caught off guard by the mass politiation of the black populace throughout the 1960’s.

“Be alert, look alive, and act like you know”


Brother Okra

Black August Trailer (George Jackson)

One United Street Nation

The Spook Who Sat By the Door Trailer